Bush Gardens Howl-O-Scream!

As October looms around the corner and we prepare to don our scary masks and costumes, Busch Gardens has decided to launch its Howl-O-Scream night over in Tampa. Designed to rival Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, this scary fright night should give visitors to Florida another tortuous treat to encounter.
The Most Miserly Mom is probably a bit wimpy to be "freaked by fiends like Dr. Freakenstein" and control.ed by a "deceased deranged deathly departed," but I know lots of teenagers who would love to be followed and feel their hearts beating and adrenaline pumping after dark in the "3rd dementia."
Bush Gardens is located over in Tampa which is about 1 and 1/2 hours from Orlando. The prices are pretty darn good over at Busch Gardens which is one reason why The Most Miserly Mom likes the park - In fact Sea World and Bush Gardens have Passport prices for both parks in one. You can call them direct 888-800-5547.
Check out my web site www.cheaporlando.net and my book a Mom's Miserly Guide: Orlando, Universal & Disney on $25 a Day!
for more info and Disney and Theme Park information
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