Disney World: Disney's Night of Joy

The Most Miserly Mom is pleased to let her readers know that Disney's Magic Kingdom will host the "Night of Joy" for the 25th year! The event will take place the evenings of September 7th and 8th.
In case you aren't familiar with this event, this is a combination of Pop, Rock, Urban, Gospel, and Contemporary Christian music within the Magic Kingdom. It's a fabulous, enlightening time for the whole family.
Some of the featured artists this year are: Third Day, Chris Tomlin, Jaci Velasquez, Steven Curtis Chapman, newsboys and Salvador.
The tickets to the event do cost extra however - You have to purchase a one or two-night ticket and they often sell out in advance. The cost for the one night ticket is $41.95 plus taxes and the two night ticket is $71.95.
Call 1.877.NITEJOY for tickets, or go online to:
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