Universal Studios Hotel Specials!

The Most Miserly Mom loves Universal Studios, and I love it when they advertise special hotel deals.
Right now Universal Studios is offering their passholders special rates at their deluxe hotels: The Royal Pacific Resort starts at $124.00, The Hard Rock Hotel starts at $144.00, and The Portofino Bay Hotel starts at $154.00. (The rates are $35 more on Friday and Saturday nights).
While these rates are far from Miserly, they are great rates for Deluxe hotels right at Universal Studios.
These rates are good until December 23, 2006.
For more information check out www.universalorlando.com/annualpass
And for Miserly Money Saving Tips visit my web site: http://www.cheaporlando.net/
Check out my book: A Mom's Miserly Guide: Orlando, Universal, & Disney on $25 a Day!
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