Disney/Star Wars Toys for Christmas!

The Most Miserly Mom has often commented on how much I love Disney's "Once Upon A Toy STore," located in Downtown Disney. The store fascinates me with the toys of old intermingled with the toys of today.
Mr. Potato Head, Tinker Toys, and Buzz Light Year are all together - And yes - Star Wars toys too! And now Star Wars has a new toy - "Build Your Own Lightsaber" - which is only sold at Disney's "Once Upon A Toy Store" at Downtown Disney.
So if you are visiting Disney World, and you are a Star Wars fan, trek on over to Downtown Disney and check it out!
For more information on this new toy check out this web site:
And for Miserly Money Saving Tips visit my web site: http://www.cheaporlando.net/
Check out my book:
A Mom's Miserly Guide: Orlando, Universal, & Disney on $25 a Day!
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