Orlando & Disney Shopping!

The Most Miserly Mom knows how much fun it is to shop at Disney World - In the Magic Kingdom or the shops at Epcot or especially at The Disney Marketplace.
In my travels I meet many people from the United Kingdom who shop here for the big value too!
The exhange rate right now is @ $2 to the pound, so the British tourists are here getting great deals at Disney, Epcot, and all of our fabulous malls in Orlando.
We can get great deals ourselves at The Disney Store in The Florida Mall, or at The value store (everything under $10) at Disney Marketplace and Epcot, or at the awesome "Everything is $1.99 or less" on International Drive.
Let's go Christmas Shopping!
And for Miserly Money Saving Tips visit my web site: http://www.cheaporlando.net/
Check out my book: A Mom's Miserly Guide: Orlando, Universal, & Disney on $25 a Day!
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