Disney World Cutting the Fat??

The Most Miserly Mom has been reading many articles about Walt Disney World cutting the fat out of their food, and I must say that I find it interesting.
Disney plans to "eliminate trans fat altogether from food served at their theme parks by the end of 2007." http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/16/news/companies/disney_fat.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes
The Most Miserly Mom has always been surprised at the amount of McDonald's french fry stands their are around Disney's Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and even Epcot.
Although as I write in my book, "A Mom's Miserly Guide: Universal, Orlando, & Disney on $25 a Day," I usually bring my own healthy snacks and sandwiches with me to the parks - not only to save on trans fat and calories - but to save money!
That is just one tip in my guide to Disney.
And for Miserly Money Saving Tips visit my web site: http://www.cheaporlando.net/
Check out my book: A Mom's Miserly Guide: Orlando, Universal, & Disney on $25 a Day
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