Free Fun! Disney Village Market Place!

Yesterday I rediscovered Disney Village Market Place. I just love this area of Disney so much! The sights the smells the sounds - just the whole works! It is a great place for kids and teens and grown ups alike. Every single time I stroll around Disney Village I enjoy myself.
The first thing I like is that parking is FREE! The second thing I like is that there is no admission to get in! Disney Village Market Place is basically a big area of shops set up on the waterfront, but just like everything Disney, it isn't Just shops. For instance, The Lego store has a GIANT Lego dinasaurs made of legos and lego people and lego creature and legos everywhere. The toy store is made of lincoln logs and tinker toys and you have Buzz Light Year & Mr. Potato Head ( I love Mr. Potatoe Head) out side. Another store has Fitch of Lilo ant Fitch spitting at you (yes really spitting at you). There is a huge Christmas store with everything you could want for Christmas in Disney, and another store with Halloween and fall stuff too. There is even a Disney Pet attire store.
And of course there are Candy stores and Ice cream shops and yummy treats everywhere and trinkets and key chains and collector pins and there is even a Margarita Shack and Oh! there is face painting and a Kiddy Train (for only $2) and a Carousel and a Surf Shop and a Sports Shop and flowers everywhere and benches to sit on and music playing to sing to and even McDonalds and the RainForest Cafe and Wofgang Pucks.
And believe it or not at Disney, there is even an "Everything is $10 and under Souvenier store." This store is of course my favorite since I write a book on saving money!
I guess the thing I like best about Disney Village Market Place is that you can go there and enjoy yourself and spend virtually no money at all - have an ice cream with your kids and walk around humming songs, looking at legos, all the beautifuly flowers, maybe a little train ride, enjoy the sights OR you can also shop till you drop and buy art, toys, souveniers, drinks, a marvelous dinner, anything you want.
It's all there at the Marketplace.
Do you Get the Picture? Everything is there!
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